03 October 2015 „Garncarska Wioska” w Kamionce k. Nidzicy
Weed Day
Program of the event:
„Lavender mania”
11.00-16.00 dumplings festival
12.00-16.00 Benedictine fair: herbs, herbal delicacies
12.30, 14.00 free screenings in Nature Cinema
13.00-15.00 lavender workshops, soap preparation workshops, wax candles preparation workshops
13.00-16.00 visiting the „Earth Treasures” Gallery (rocks, fossils, minerals from around the world)
14.00-15.30 guided tours in the Paradise Garden
The organization of events for children and teenagers in the Pottery Village may be supported by transferring donations on to the Nidzica Community Foundation account:
Bank Spółdzielczy w Nidzicy
31 8834 0009 2001 0000 5005 0014
with adnotation „NIEZAPOMINAJKA”.